Shamanic Soul Retrieval
Claim Back Your Power
Service Description
Shamanic work has been utilized for thousands of years to consult spirit for various reasons. It is extremely effective at reaching roots and eliminating destructive patterns. Working in the quantum, this is a two hour session where I connect with your higher self and spirit guides taking me to a past life or a time in your current incarnation where you 'gave away' a fragment of your soul; such as power, creativity, courage or health. Traumatic situations leave energy imprints that affect your vibration through time and space. Low vibration in your field results in destructive patterns and manifestations of dis-ease. With my guides and yours, we journey to retrieve a gift or aspect of yourself that has impacted or presented unhealthy patterns in your current lifetime. This session can help to alleviate fears, habits or patterns that hold you back from living your ideal life. I've worked with several shamans over the years, Sandra Ingerman, Connie Eisland, Paul Hinsberger, Mara Freeman of The Avalon Mystery School and have learned methods to journey to realms to seek answers. I conduct a shamanic journey prior to this session to assure this currently is in your best interest.
Contact Details
Olympia Salon & Spa, Cass Avenue, Mount Clemens, MI, USA